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  1. Meu tempo minhas regras

    Como dev e como manager, já tive essa conversa sobre gerenciamento de tempo e priorização algumas vezes, então decidi documentar ~para economizar tempo~. Meu foco aqui são os líderes técnicos, mas usem como quiserem, tem ideias genéricas que podem ser aplicadas em outros contextos. Advice Monster

    Como líder, você tem …

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  2. Django Sessions to cache

    Django sessions works great since the begining, you can do a site with them and never really understand how sessions works, but you can't scale to thousands of simultaneous users writing all your sessions to database. The database can be a huge bottleneck here and you should remove all unnecessary …

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  3. My Django contributions

    I started contributing to Django core after a failure in our project.

    I had to rename a model attribute without touching our database. The solution was simple.

    # Simple attribute to rename.
    author = models.ForeignKey('Author')
    # 1. Add db_column param.
    author = models.ForeignKey('Author', db_column='author')
    # 2. Change the attribute name …
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  4. Faster parallel pytest-django

    We at Buser recently migrated from Django unittests to pytest. It is amazing how much you can improve your tests with pytest.

    Unfortunately our CI/CD was really slow after this change.

    I discovered parallel pytest-django do their setup different than Django unittests. Django create a template database and copy …

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  5. Nginx quick configuration

    Nginx is an HTTP server with lots of features. The configuration is easy, but maybe you don't even know the feature exist.

    I want to present some nginx features and give you some pointers to continue your research.

    The basics

    The basic usage of nginx is to make the reverse …

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  6. Funblocker post mortem

    Long time, no text. I'll try to increase the frequency of my posts and don't give up because of the lack of time and excess of lazyness.

    One of my first open source projects with any traction was Funblocker. I wrote about it in other posts, it was a Chrome …

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