Honeycomb Django tricks

Honeycomb is the observability tool we use everyday at Buser. They help us tracking application bottlenecks, slow database queries, slow requests, requests with too many queries and much more.

Their automatic instrumentation with beeline is a good start, but at some point we had to extend the default behaviour.

Custom request data

We extended the HoneyMiddleware and changed settings.py MIDDLEWARE to use our custom middleware because we wanted to track differences between logged and anonymous users.

from beeline.middleware.django import HoneyMiddleware

class HoneycombMiddleware(HoneyMiddleware):
    def get_context_from_request(self, request):
        context = super().get_context_from_request(request)
        if request.user.is_authenticated:
            context['request.user.id'] = request.user.id
        return context

We could add context['request.user.is_authenticated'] too, but we did that with a derived column EXISTS($"request.user.id") in Honeycomb side.

Trace sampling

Honeycomb limits are really friendly, even for their free plan, but our traffic increased 5x in 2020 and we reached our plan limits.

Their beeline client has a sample_rate config but it's a dummy implementation, generating imcomplete traces, which is useless to us.

We make the sampling decision at the start of the request, unfortunately it's not possible to decide based on request duration or request status.

from beeline.middleware.django import HoneyMiddleware

class HoneycombMiddleware(HoneyMiddleware):
    def __call__(self, request):
        sample_rate = self.get_sample_rate(request)
        sampled = random.random() < 1 / sample_rate
        request.__honeycomb_sampled__ = sampled, sample_rate
        return super().__call__(request)

    def get_sample_rate(self, request):
        # Add logic here to decide based on path or other request info.
        return 10

Now, to sample based on this __honeycomb_sampled__ info, beeline need a sampler hook.

import beeline

def sampler_hook(event):
    # The get_request is not Django built-in.
    # Check django-middleware-global-request project.
    request = get_request()

    # Ignore when we don't have a request.
    if not request:
        return False, 0

    return request.__honeycomb_sampled__


Request based sampling

Instead of a fixed sample rate, we have it configured by path and by domain to get better results. Our implementation use Django settings, but it is easy to start handling just special cases.

def get_sample_rate(self, request):
    if request.get_host() == 'admin.example.com':
        # Always trace admin domain, it has low volume but lots of slow batch requests.
        return 1
    if request.path == '/search':
        # Reduce high volume path sampling.
        return 80

    return 10


Our project ran only with Django integration for almost a year, focused on critical requests optimizations. We had to offload lots of application work to Celery to handle some bottlenecks, but after that we created a huge blindspot in the stack.

Celery instrumentation

Again, beeline has a nice Celery base implementation, but it doesn't handle sampling well and don't instrument Django database queries.

Maybe it's a small bug, based on our use, Celery queue name is in delivery_info['routing_key'] instead of delivery_info['exchange']. We decided to log both values to not lose useful data.

I reused ideas from their middleware.

from contextlib import ExitStack

from beeline.middleware.django import HoneyDBWrapper
from celery.signals import task_prerun, task_postrun
from django.db import connections

def setup_django_db(task):
    task.request._exit_stack = ExitStack()
    db_wrapper = HoneyDBWrapper()
    for connection in connections.all():

def teardown_django_db(task):

Celery sampling

Celery sampling was a challenge, because Celery internals don't have good documentation.

import random
import celery

from celery.signals import task_prerun

def sampler_hook(event):
    return celery.current_app.current_worker_task.request.__honeycomb_sampled__

def sampling(sample_rate):
    sampled = random.random() < 1 / sample_rate
    return sampled, sample_rate

def setup_sampling(task):
    task.request.__honeycomb_sampled__ = sampling()

The beeline.init now need a sampler_hook.

import beeline
from celery.signals import worker_process_init

def initialize_honeycomb(**kwargs):

uWSGI integration

uWSGI integrations was probably our first small issue.

Package uwsgidecorators is available only inside uwsgi context and we wanted to run in development too. The _init_beeline in the code is the docs init_beeline. When it's not in uwsgi context, it setup beeline too.

def init_beeline():
        import uwsgidecorators
    except ImportError:

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