Published: Thu 19 July 2012
By Iuri de Silvio
In programming .
tags: csharp hack issue
Ajax Control Tookit is one of an important library in .NET world. It handles a lot of dynamic JavaScript things you do not want to do alone.
They have a component called MaskedEdit to handle a input formatted text like __/__/__ . Take a look at the MaskedEdit example . Oh, if you use Chrome or Safari, it does not work like you expect with delete, backspace and other "special" keys. Cool, han?
This bug is from 2008, documented in issue 26978 , issue 17166 and chromium issue 3341 too . These links have easy solutions: just take the code, change a couple of lines and recompile everything, but it was never merged or released.
I do not want to fork the code to change two lines, but I can just hack around JavaScript and we are fine. If you opened the MaskedEdit example in Chrome, run the code below in JavaScript console and try again. I took some pieces of code around the internet and wrote my own to work with normal and minified versions of current version of the lib.
( function () {
if ( Sys . Browser . agent == Sys . Browser . Safari ) { // don't worry, to this lib Chrome is Safari
function funcbody ( f ) {
var s = f . toString ();
return s . substring ( s . indexOf ( '{' ));
try { p = Sys . Extended . UI . MaskedEditBehavior . prototype ; } catch ( e ) { p = null ; }
if ( p != null ) {
p . _ExecuteNav = new Function ( "g" , "h" ,
'var c=-1,e=" ",a="",b=false,d=true,p="keypress",s="keydown",evt=g,scanCode=h;' +
funcbody ( p . _ExecuteNav )
. replace ( /(g\.type==p\)if\(h==8\))/ , "g.type==s||$1" )
. replace ( /(== Sys\.Browser\.InternetExplorer \|\| evt\.type == \"keypress\")/ ,
"$1 || evt.type == \"keydown\"" ));
The problem happens because the MaskedEditBehavior handles only keypress event (or bypass IE browsers). My hack just changes it to handle keydown too, because W3C says "dispatch this event when a key is pressed down, if and only if that key normally produces a character value".
This hack solved the issue to me and is running in production now, but it is a big reason to avoid Ajax Control Toolkit if you can. Maybe they will not support you.
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